Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 98

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 98

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 98

Investigating positive thinking in al-Tayr Attar's logic with an emphasis on Martin Seligman's mode

Khodabakhsh Asadollahi (Author in Charge), Zainab Barzegar Maher


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Human perfection and happiness have always been mentioned as the ultimate goal in Islamic mystical texts; Al-Tayir Attar"s logic, one of the outstanding works of mysticism, in the form of an allegorical journey, presents a specific pattern of behavior for man to achieve happiness; On the other hand, positive psychology, by emphasizing the cultivation of moral virtues such as humility, kindness, self-control, seeks to create lasting satisfaction in life; The purpose of this research is to apply the characteristics of positivist psychology in Attar"s logic based on Martin Seligman"s model in order to prove the aspects of positive thinking in Attar"s mind and mystical language.

METHODOLOGY: The current research is done in an analytical and descriptive way and based on library sources, the statistical community is al-Tayr Attar region and the statistical sample of verses related to the allegorical story of birds and Simorgh.

FINDINGS: The current research shows that all six clusters of wisdom, courage, moderation, social activities, love and excellence in Seligman"s theory have specific examples in the logic of Altair Attar; Traveling in Altair region is like a process that seeks self-acceptance and self-awareness; It causes positive thinking; Group action of birds, critical thinking and freedom of action are manifestations of positive social thinking in al-Tayr region; Also, the connection of thirty chickens with Simorgh is a manifestation of the concept of excellence in this system, which has a significant affinity with the ultimate goal in Seligman"s positivist theory.

CONCLUSION: The result of this research shows that before the Western theorists in the last century addressed the importance of moral virtues, spirituality and faith in the development of the human psyche, Islamic mysticism in the past centuries comprehensively and completely addressed this category in the form of works such as Logical Al-Tayr. Is; Therefore, the theory of positive thinking has an Iranian-Islamic background; In the psychological layers of the text, al-Tir Attar"s logic includes prominent elements of positive thinking and by emphasizing the potential capabilities of man, it provides the ideal norm for the advancement of human kind.

al-Tir logic , Fariduddin Attar Neishabouri , Martin Seligman , positive thinking.

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